Wednesday 2 October 2013

What Am I Doing Right Now?

Being 29 an unmarried is quite challenging especially when going to back to my kampung..
I don't mean to be rude, but sometimes the way they thinks is different from the way I think making me feel quite irritated to entertain people's mouth..

It's not that i don't want to get marry, of course I want to get marry..
I want to have a loving husband, someone who is responsible, treats my parents well and of course the biggest joy and gift from Allah a child..

sometimes when people ask when do I planned to get marry, it's quite hard to answer because of course you don't know what awaits you in the future..
for now i'm planning to prepare the very best for my upcoming life, but still i am redha to any Allah's planning..

My parents are not in good condition now, their health is something that bothering my mind..
so I planned to move back to my hometown in Pendang, Kedah..
After living in a city for quite a long time starting from my working years, i've been living in a city..
with all the comforts and convenience and a lot of choices around, it will be a bit different for me to be living in kampung, but i'm sure i'll be just fine..
and happy too...

and of course I do plan to settle down and i'm sure i will meet the right person once I arrived back to my hometown..
of course, of course...
i'm sure about it..
someone who is going to open my heart and put away all my fears..
what i need to do now is just to sit back and relaxed...
and enjoy the moment of time Allah giving me right now to do what I want in my life..
Thank u Allah, thank u Allah and thank u Allah for all the best, best things in life You already gave to me..
Thank U Allah...

Alhamdulillah, I feel gratitude for all the things happen...

"A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances"

Sunday 22 September 2013

My Plan Now..

Now I am looking for a part time business opportunity..called drop shipping
It's quite hard to find a dropshipping business that meet my criteria..
I want a company/person who offers a drop shipping business which can be trusted..
For your information, in drop shipping program, you acts as the agent/middle person between the customer and the business owner..
you get the commission from sales, and the business owner will sent the product to the customer, so it is important to look for a business owner which have a good track record and can be trusted..

For my business of selling kain sulam, i plan to continue doing it since i have quite many customer already and a few of my family who acts as my agent..but for now i need to clear all old stocks first...

All this money is will all be kept for my future expenses, so that when i need it..i have money to use for it..

and for jodoh, I hope if there is still jodoh for me out there, i hope this time it will come in a calm condition..
no more forcing, no more conflicts arises..just plain calmness and well planned..In Shaa Allah...
I really need the calmness....

My TOP 10 WishList...

i'm sure everybody has their own wishlist..
I don't like posting my personal wishlist on facebook..cause it may attracts many unneeded  attention and might also get unnneeded comments...

My Top Ten Wishlist Now..

1. Perfect Love
A perfect loving spouse which will stay together no matter what happens, highly tolerate, take care of his solah, positive attitude, love to tithe, hardworking, very responsible, treat parent with respect, kind hearted, financially very stable...

2. Child
Of course this is a great time to start a family

3. Happy and healthy parents
I hope my parents are healthy and happy..of course I want them to enjoy their life
Hope my mom will be free from cancer soon..and my father get back his lost spirit...

Of couse it's good to maintain good health and as a preparation for wedding and pregnancy and birth journey

5.Sedekah continously
Of course, to maintain good cash flow in our life..we must give first to receive

6. Business is going very well and money keeps pouring in
In Shaa Allah

7. Career
Keep a good track recod of it, maintain it with no problem...

8. Supportive + Kind hearted friends
of couse you need this so much, especially having good girlfriends

9. Good neighbour
A must, we live in having good neighbour is must

10. Health and happiness, and a calm heart
The most precious gift of all...Thank U Allah

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Dont' Judge..

Judging is something that we sometimes did with or without intention.

I find it's hard sometimes not to judge people..
and sometimes when you don't judge people, people judge you
if it's a positive judgement, it will makes you happy
but if it's a negative judgement, sometimes it can make us feel angry

I do sometimes get criticized for my behaviour or actions
sometimes i try to be positive about it
but when people tends to take advantage
and keeps on repeating it over and over again..
that's when i'll be exploded

and once exploded, sometimes it's hard for me to get it over in a short time
(it seems like, oh no! this time you already pressed the wrong button)
the only i did is just distance myself away from that person to avoid more negative statements

i read about a status on fb just now about people commented about a girl working
at frontdesk in my village
a person said that she was so "sombong" as she works at frontdesk and rarely put a smile to customer
and many people put on more comments on her
and some of them are quite rude
the status start with a female said this
Minta kwn2 k0men sikit pasal perempuan2 yg jaga kaunter kat pej p0s?
and some of the comments are;
pernah p sekali dan terakhir...servis down...arap muka ja blh buat aset tapi budi bahasa NO...
klu hat jantan 2,krg ajar...xdk bahasa,minta pihak atasan pantau skt...yg pompuan 2...muka selalu msm jerk..lbh krg la
 Dah slalu sgt tgk org komplen pasai kaunter2 kt pjbt pos pendang ni...memg trukla lau mcm tu...keje front desk ni muka kna manis ngan snyuman...
i know all this person may have bad experiences with this girl, but badmouthing her behind her back is not  a right action
it seems like you are publicly insulting other person on fb without her knowing about it (i wonder what it feels if we were on the same condition as this, we also know that we are humans and always do mistake)
If you are not happy with the services, i think there's  many ways you can express it nicely to that person for at least she knows..
i'm not perfect either, and yes sometimes i do have my own difficult time with some people, and good relationship with other people..i wrote this just from my point of view and if there's anyone out there have different opinion, it's fine..i respect your opinion as your respect mine.......

Monday 16 September 2013

Being Thankful For The Last Broken Relationship...

I wrote this just to make myself feel better..
It's so annoying how my last relationship ends..
I planned to end it nicely, but it ends with blaming each other..
I think both parties hurt not because the relationship doesn't work but the blaming part..

I accepted what has happened and  there are  10 goodness of the broken relationship has brought me

1.Thanks for the broken relationship, it makes me grow stronger

2. Thanks for the broken relationship, it makes me improve myself better

3. Thanks for the broken relationship, I've learned blaming each other doesn't bring us any benefit

4. Thanks for the broken relationship, i bought a book to improve my next relationship

5. Thanks for the broken relationship, I have more time to spend with my family when my parents got sick this year

6. Thanks for the broken relationship, I realized that only forgiveness can heal the resentment and pain

7. Thanks for the broken relationship, I realized that the world is big enough and filled with a lot of fun, hopes, and more cheerfullness

8. Thanks for the broken relationship, I have grow more mature

9. Thanks for the relationship, it makes me becoming more ready for the upcoming future

10. Thanks for the broken relationship, I believe that I deserved to have a happy life and have more time to look for money that I need for my wedding and expenses after wedding.

11. Thanks for the broken relationship, it makes me back on my business back and it's growing well now.

Make All Your Wishes Come True....

These are my top tens desire, which I want to ask from Allah
I read this in a book that by using the Law of Attraction, we can select ten desires from different areas of of your life, such as money, health, home, and relationships, or you might want to choose ten desires in one area you really want to change, such as work or succes.

Write them as though you've received them;

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for my parents and family who is always be with me even how bad I am

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for all money that keeps pouring in through my business

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for the perfect loving soulmate you've sent me

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for the news we are getting married and have a baby

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for tripling my sales this month

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for my health you've given me

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for the unexpected money for my pregnancy and birth expenses in private hospital

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for how easy and effortless my path was

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for all the love I got from people around me

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Allah for finally let me transfer easily to my hometown and be near with all people I love the most

Tuesday 10 September 2013

What I Want Now?

I want to get marry and have kids..
Have a loving and blisfull marriage,
benefits both parties..
a meaningfull relationship..
love each other so much...

have kids
with positive birth experiences...(this is must)
loves each other so much
get to spend quality time with them