Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Misi Kumpul Duit Untuk My Future Plan...

There are a few mission I need to accomplish in my life...

The main one now is to get marry and have adorable, lovable, cute children..
I wish I will get marry next year.....

Before this, my main target is to stabilise my financial...
I've been thinking about this since the age of 18..
I've crossed a lot of things to do in my list already..
Now my biggest wish i to get marry and have kids...

Even though I still haven't found my mr right.......
But i'm sure it's coming towards me now...and it's coming nearer, nearer and nearer
An eternal love...
something worth......

"Fill yourself with love, and love all around will come to you"
 "Imagine yourself live with abundance, and it will comes to you"

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