Thursday 5 September 2013

Browsing through messages.....

I browsed through old messages (my last one broken relationship which could not be saved)

Then i found that, how the relationship has turned out so fast from sweet, loving and caring to ignorance, harsh and blaming each other..

Yes, it is so sad it has to end in a way we both each other feel so regrets of what happened..
I think we both already tried hard enough, but it finally come to maximum level that we can't control our anger and frustation
Everything exploded....
And of course, it's not only him to be blame about...
I on the other hand did do a lot of mistakes too...

He already started a relationship with someone else..
Yes, it's true in our society male has better chances of finding a spouse faster than female
I wish him all the best (even he does not know about this)

I on the other hand
still hoping to meet my Mr Right
I am no longer in search
But I just pray to Allah to just show me the right person
and open my heart
I just want to let Allah move all the people, the circumstances and events around me to get me to my soulmate
and I hope this one will last forever
I depend solely now only on Allah's help
As for what I've tried has not achieved it's target
We all know only Allah can solve all of our problems, shows us the right path to go through

I love kids
i think the greatest gift from Allah to a woman is the ability to carry a child in her womb
and give birth.. despite all the pain and scariness

I do feel gratefull to Allah for finally gave me the thought of getting into marriage
Before this, i never thought of marriage
Now i've already change my frequency

But i seriously hope
i don't know who is that person
where is he now
how am i going to meet him

But i hope
he is a good Allah's servant
he takes care of his solat 5 times a day
he takes care of the hearts of people around him
he'll be gentle to my parents
be gentle to me
advice me with good advices
fill me with love (i need to fill myself with love too)
keep me strong when i'm weak
love to tithe
quite good looking
financially secure and comfortable (cause i need to support my family, so i hope for someone who is not financially dependant on his wife)

Now i know what i want in my heart right now
I want to be a wife and a mother
Be a strong mother who is strong enough to go through labor process
(either it's normal or caesarean)
eventhough i am a freak

and only Allah can grant me my wishes..
Thank u Allah, thank u Allah, thank u Allah

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