Saturday 24 August 2013

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus...........

I bought this book yesterday, during a nice outing with my bff...
Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus..
I seriously never thought that one day I would buy this kind of book..
really, really never in my mind..

I used to be a single woman, jovial, enjoying the every moment of my life....
Going on vacation, enjoying my worklife, enjoying my life with friends around....but my love life quite sucks.......(hahahaha since the age of 18)
But after going through a broken relationship, it such a lesson for me, giving me the signal that I should work on something on it and understand about it before going through another relationship......

For at least it helps me to get prepared with any conflicts that may arise....
No relationship is sunny all the day, sometimes rain does coming...and sometimes even hurricane coming...
I always back off when hurricane coming, (my worst habit ever.......huhuhu) 
But seriously, before this it was never crossed my mind on how to read this kind of book...
How time flies and how I've changed......

This book originally written in English, but I bought the one which is already translated in cost RM35 only...
Buying books is worth for me, as it provide me with  knowledge, I can also use the receipt to reduce my incometax....(hahahaha.....2 in 1 purpose)

it explains the differences between men and women and how both part  respond with stress..
when I read this, I found out that it's true..(it happened in my previous relatioship with this guy)
Men always think that women are complicated, and women also think that men are complicated..
Actually that happens due to the difference between men and women...
The more we understand about it, the less we feel stressed about it......

I do not know why, but I've got an instinct that something is going to happen...
It's coming near..and I don't know why I have this kind of feeling...
Weird isn't it?
So guys, do you believe in instinct?????????


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